Thursday, October 21, 2004

Fast Company Update

Those of you who have been following the exploits of our hero Coffeeboy, as he tries to navigate his way through the chum-filled waters of modern commerce, will no doubt remember a little diatribe sent to Fast Company Magazine in defense of the courage of the blessed mom and pops throughout this our great nation. (remember kids, long sentences + tortured syntax = grown up writing) Well, as fate would have it. Or luck. Or a lack of feedback that month. FC has published our hero's letter to the editor in the November edition in the Feedback section. They chopped it a bit, but left the meaning intact minus the charming verbosity that, if you are still reading this blog, you have most likely grown to appreciate. So, go out, all of you, and buy the new issue of Fast Company and they will see their sales soar as the army of Coffeeboy devotees, strip the shelves and tax all supply of the November issue of Fast Company, all the while chanting in unison for a feature article to be written about our beloved hero and his plan to save the world one coffeehouse at a time!! Ok, or just check it out at Barnes and Noble or the grocery store and say, "Cool, I like that guy's coffee and he has an almost hidden useless reference buried in the part of this magazine that no one reads." I would have gone with "voice crying in the wilderness, unheard, but prophetic and true," but to each his own.


At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of evangalism...
I have touted your espresso bar far and wide since sitting and sipping espresso two summers ago. You may not remember me but my name is Joe and we had some nice chats about life and beans.
Keep up the good work.

At 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah. And if it jogs your memory I was the computer consultant that talked WiFi networks with you. ;)

At 4:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Whaley, you need to blog some more!

God bless,
Mrs. G.

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Prophet said...


At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blogum non updatum?



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